Onsite Wastewater
Management Association

Onsite Wastewater
Management Association

Serving - Manitoba since 2010

The Manitoba Onsite Wastewater Management Association is the provincial not-for profit organization established to educate, train and certify industry professionals. The association engages its member installers, septage haulers, suppliers, municipalities and provincial government departments to arrive at sound practices that strengthen the industry, and ensure safe and effective septage management for all rural Manitoba.


Industry training that will elevate your career.

Home Owners

View our excellent library of home owner resources.

Work Camps

Guidance documents for work camps/rig sites.

Locate a Pro

Listings of those working in onsite wastewater.

Our Vision & Mission


Supporting members in the provision of safe and effective onsite wastewater management for Manitoba and the environment.


MOWMA leads the industry in providing accessible and practical training for onsite wastewater practitioners, and championing for a regulatory environment that allows practitioners to succeed through the responsible provision of onsite wastewater management for Manitoba landowners.

What We Do

MOWMA provides accessible, quality and recognized in-class education for onsite wastewater practitioners and other professionals, delivers practical in-field training sessions, hosts an annual onsite wastewater industry convention, communicates broadly to its stakeholders on issues that affect their businesses, advocates to local and provincial governments for reasonable standards and regulations that harmonize the needs of industry and the public, and educates landowners on proper practices for caring for their onsite wastewater system.


We operate and communicate in manners that foster trust and respect in all aspects of our industry.

We are straightforward and honest in our communication with all stakeholders.

We champion equitable and fair treatment for all members.

We welcome all stakeholders who wish to support efforts toward the betterment of the industry.

We empathize with the varied interests of our stakeholders, and work together to address issues that provide safe and effective onsite wastewater management.

Become a Member

Access membership benefits today, including training, marketing opportunities and our discount program incentives.

Join Us

The WCOWMA continues to grow, with its membership of onsite wastewater professionals increasing year over year.

Website listing
Referral service
Customized business insurance
Office Supply Discounts
Office Supply Discounts
10% off work clothes at Mark's
And more!