2017 Member Appreciation Day

The Onsite Wastewater Systems Installers of Manitoba (OWSIM) and the Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management
Association (WCOWMA) held a member appreciation day on October 14, 2017.

OWSIM and WCOWMA hosted this event to formalize the amalgamation of OWSIM with WCOWMA’s Manitoba chapter, the Manitoba Onsite Wastewater Management Association.

\"\"Those who attended received information from OWSIM’s Government Liaison, Dave Bond regarding the Ministry’s plans for changes to the training programs in the Province. Following that presentation attendees were able to participate in an educational session on Site and Soils Evaluation. Industry sponsors Hugh Bonner of EMCO Waterworks and Aaron Lynch of Infiltrator Water Systems Inc., provided an overview of the products and services they offer, while Aleena Pawlik of FRP Manufacturing (2010) Ltd. provided a presentation on Best Practices for Installation and Dave Bond of Equinox Industries provided information on the Enviro-Septic secondary treatment system.

The Board of Directors will meet in the next few weeks to plan additional training days and workshops for association members to participate in once the installation season is over for the year.

The association would like to thank the following sponsors for helping to host this event: EMCO Waterworks, Equinox Industries, FRP Manufacturing (2010) Ltd. and Infiltrator Water Systems Inc.


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