As a Business Owner, is This a Question You would like to have Answered?

“What is the most important thing I can do for my business right now to start getting more customers,  and make more money?”

Granted there is not a completely simple answer to this question, but here are four things you MUST do if you want to consistently attract more customers, increase revenue and eliminate competition:

1) Create a system. If you want to consistently attract your ideal customers, you need to have a reliable, efficient and affordable system in place that will bring them to you like clockwork.

Without a system in place, not only will you throw dollars down the drain by not knowing which advertising and marketing strategies to spend your money on, but you’ll waste time trying to figure it out.

When you know exactly which media is most effective and have a plan for what you’ll execute, you’ll be able to predict your costs and you’ll also know what response to expect.  Plus, a system set up to attract only ideal customers, means you won’t waste your time and resources trying to sell to people who either don’t want or need your product or service, or can’t afford it.

2) Swipe from proven promotions. One of the biggest time and money wasters is creating everything from scratch. Trial and error promotions mean your system isn’t reliable.

Switch to swiping ideas from proven promotions and you’ll be able to accurately predict how many customers you’ll attract each time you send out a promotion.

3) Sell in a competitive vacuum. Set your product or service up as the only logical choice for your ideal customer. When you create marketing that showcases you in a unique light and unlike your competitors, you not only have a competitive advantage, but you have in built-in price resistance because consumers will see that no one else is doing what you are doing or as well as you do it.

4) Be consistent.  One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is to run a campaign, get a bunch of business and then wait until they feel they need business again before running another campaign, which is usually too late. Put your marketing on autopilot and run your system continually so you will steadily attract a constant flow of customers.  Then you’ll never have to worry about whether or not you have enough business.

Putting a system in place that uses proven promotions, sells in a competitive vacuum and runs continually has taken many businesses from the brink of bankruptcy to astounding profits and it will do the same for you, once you put your system in place following these four simple steps.

Remember, it can only happen if you TAKE ACTION.  As our friend Brian Tracy is fond of saying…”If it’s to be…it’s up to ME!”


George Gonzo

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