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Don\’t miss out on your chance to receive the Summer 2021 issue of the Onsite Informer Magazine! Take a moment to contact our office with your updated address.
Don\’t miss out on your chance to receive the Summer 2021 issue of the Onsite Informer Magazine! Take a moment to contact our office with your updated address.
The association is sourcing articles for publication in our WCOWMA printed magazine. Articles submitted may be on any topic relevant to our membership and stakeholder group, such as those related to wastewater, septage and the onsite wastewater industry. Article length should be between 500 to 1,500 words for the magazine. The article should be research or
Be A Part Of WCOWMA’s Onsite Informer Read More »
Don\’t be on the hook for expensive repairs. Have the homeowner sign a waiver that includes \”Not responsible for driveways and landscaping\” or \”Not responsible for damage beyond the curb.\”
The Grand Rewards program is going to be terminated effective as of March 17th, 2021. You will have up until March 17th, 2021 to redeem any earned points under the program.
Update to Our Affinity Program Partnership With Grand & Toy Read More »
We all know 2020 has been quite a year, but what’s your worst story from the job site? Share your workplace woes from 2020 and you could win a $100 gift card to Mark’s Work Wearhouse. Second place will receive a $50 Tim Horton’s gift card. We will select the top three submissions and put
Submit Your Worst Work Story of 2020 Read More »
Significant danger to wildlife is poised by open 4” vertical PVC or Big-O pipes, and open valve boxes. Open or uncapped vertical pipes spread on the landscape for many utilitarian purposes pose a very real hazard to wildlife, especially birds. Learn more here.
Death By Pipe: Birds In Crisis Read More »
Please take two minutes to answer this short survey about our training. We are looking to get a better idea of how people prefer to receive information about our various training programs. There are only four questions, and you don\’t need to provide your name. Your feedback is appreciated. Access the survey here.
Our offices will be closed from December 23rd to January 3rd. We will resume regular hours on January 4, 2020. We will still be checking our emails and phone messages.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. . . except for the septic system. The holidays provide families and friends a great opportunity to come together, celebrate and reconnect. This celebrating usually involves extra cooking, cleaning, bathing and clothes washing. This can put significant strain on the septic system. Download our \”Protecting Septic Systems
Advice For Your Clients Read More »
Members have reported to MOWMA that they are no longer allowed to use the term “property line” when creating their permit paperwork and making their drawings. According to Manitoba surveyors, the term “property line” is a proprietary term that can only be used by surveyors holding a license to practice in Manitoba. The Association of
Where’s the Line? The Use of the Term “Property Line” in Manitoba Read More »