Your Business is being Advertised 24/7 whether you know it or not!

Submitted by George Gonzo

George Gonzo is a business consultant who provides a monthly column for the WCOWMA newsletter.  As owner’s of small, medium and large businesses, WCOWMA members can all benefit from George’s expertise in the area of business communication and marketing.

Here’s why you must advertise consistently no matter what else you do:

You can’t do some advertising today and quit tomorrow. You’re not talking to a mass audience…you’re talking to a moving parade of potential customers.

Every time I do a workshop or presentation to business people, I suggest that this is one of the most important things they need to take away and incorporate into their business strategy and advertising:

“How good is your story and how well do you tell it.”

There are dozens of ways to tell your story to reach the most profitable prospective customers – but the one thing you never want to do is to let others tell a story about you that you didn’t manage or control.

There is one exception to this rule:

When you receive a positive recommendation or testimonial from a highly satisfied customer, or course you’re going to use it. But it’s important to remember that the testimonial came because of the outstanding service or solution you provided to that customer.  So in effect, you can control the quality of the testimonials you receive.

Here’s the point you must consider every day:

“You simply cannot afford to take the risk of having most of your advertising come from sources beyond your control.”

That includes your competitors, social media and even your own staff.

Your current customers and potential clients do not know how many ways you can help them or solve their problems, unless you tell them But you must keep telling them EVERY DAY!

You can offer the best service, lowest prices and incentives, but if you don’t advertise or find ways to tell you story every day, when potential customers are looking for a solution to their problem…you’ll never get that call.

If you’re not the first company that has “top of mind” awareness with customers or clients, that potential business will usually end up in the hands of your competitors.

There’s no way around it…you must advertise daily or find new ways to tell your story so that people who need what you have, will call you first.

Next month, we’ll share ideas on how to create advertising that works and either costs very little or is free.

George Gonzo

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